Putting finance in pole position: Strengthening strategic partnerships by extracting actionable insights from key data sets
Big Data

Putting finance in pole position: Strengthening strategic partnerships by e...

2y Jade Bridge
Tightening the purse strings
Accounting Software

Tightening the purse strings

2y Arusha Phunwasi
Utilising global payroll analytics for decision making and mitigating business risk
Big Data

Utilising global payroll analytics for decision making and mitigating busin...

2y Arusha Phunwasi
Join a global community of senior CFO leaders, and access the latest analysis and reports
CFO tech updates: Highlights from SuiteWorld 2022

CFO tech updates: Highlights from SuiteWorld 2022

2y Aoife Morgan
CFO tech updates: Sage, Oracle, Microsoft, GTreasury and more…
CFO and Technology

CFO tech updates: Sage, Oracle, Microsoft, GTreasury and more…

3y Aoife Morgan
The sustainability revolution: Why some companies will not survive

The sustainability revolution: Why some companies will not survive

3y Aoife Morgan
Introducing CFO Executive Dialogue
Digital Transformation

Introducing CFO Executive Dialogue

3y Aoife Morgan
Raising the bar on modern accounting and financial transformation
Accounting Software

Raising the bar on modern accounting and financial transformation

3y Alara Basul
Integrated data key in supply chain risk mitigation
Leadership & Management

Integrated data key in supply chain risk mitigation

3y Aoife Morgan
Data challenges emerge as F&A confidence slumps
Systems & Software

Data challenges emerge as F&A confidence slumps

4y Financial Director
To buy or build data management solutions? Why outsourcing can be best way forward

To buy or build data management solutions? Why outsourcing can be best way ...

6y Mark Hepsworth