UK Financial Services Regulation Committee urges FCA to halt plans to publicise enforcement investigations

UK Financial Services Regulation Committee urges FCA to halt plans to publi...

9m The CFO
What should CFOs take away from Amazon's $270 million tax win?

What should CFOs take away from Amazon's $270 million tax win?

1y The CFO
New security and investment law boosts investment screening process but risks causing delays

New security and investment law boosts investment screening process but ris...

3y Aoife Morgan
Join a global community of senior CFO leaders, and access the latest analysis and reports
What does the Mastercard decision mean for the UK’s collective action regime and why should finance directors care?

What does the Mastercard decision mean for the UK’s collective action regim...

4y Financial Director
UK's furlough and pandemic loan fraud – what FDs need to know

UK's furlough and pandemic loan fraud – what FDs need to know

4y Financial Director
CFOs driving digital conversation in legal

CFOs driving digital conversation in legal

5y Nicholas Hinton
The increasing scope for personal liability in the workplace

The increasing scope for personal liability in the workplace

5y Nick Wilcox
Directors on alert to litigation exposure

Directors on alert to litigation exposure

5y Financial Director
The liabilities of ‘deepfake’ scams and how to protect your business
Cyber Security

The liabilities of ‘deepfake’ scams and how to protect your business

5y Nick Hawkins
ENRC's challenge to the Serious Fraud Office

ENRC's challenge to the Serious Fraud Office

5y Alistair Graham
HP and Autonomy: one write-down too many?

HP and Autonomy: one write-down too many?

5y Ross Wiggins and Matthew Haddow | Menzies LLP
Managing Litigation: Cash (flow) is King

Managing Litigation: Cash (flow) is King

5y Ed Starling
Supreme Court boost for employers re non-compete clauses

Supreme Court boost for employers re non-compete clauses

6y Karen Coleman
How best to get to the facts in litigation

How best to get to the facts in litigation

6y Julian Acratopulo
Sponsorship - lessons from Rugby: don't prepare to lose

Sponsorship - lessons from Rugby: don't prepare to lose

6y Wedlake Bell LLP
What is the extent of directors' personal liability?

What is the extent of directors' personal liability?

6y Steve Thomas
Cause for further reflection on the rule against reflective loss?

Cause for further reflection on the rule against reflective loss?

6y Sinead Lester
What you don’t know can hurt you: US export controls and trade sanctions laws

What you don’t know can hurt you: US export controls and trade sanctions la...

6y Faegre Baker Daniels
Personal liability risk- what FDs need to know

Personal liability risk- what FDs need to know

6y Suzanne Brooker
Trials and tribulations of the SFO

Trials and tribulations of the SFO

6y Iskander Fernandez
Why CFOs should push for legal transformation

Why CFOs should push for legal transformation

6y Nancy Jessen
UK laws on investigatory search warrants: outdated and unclear for businesses

UK laws on investigatory search warrants: outdated and unclear for business...

6y Alistair Graham & Stephen Moi
Rising data breaches lead companies to review cybersecurity standards
Cyber Security

Rising data breaches lead companies to review cybersecurity standards

7y Christopher Murphy-Ives , president
Contracts in the post-Brexit world

Contracts in the post-Brexit world

7y Richard Smith
Finance directors uninformed of litigation funding options

Finance directors uninformed of litigation funding options

7y Verity Jackson-Grant
Brexit – an end to cross border cooperation in insolvency ?

Brexit – an end to cross border cooperation in insolvency ?

7y Gavin Jones , partner
ACC Chief Legal Officers Survey: Has the Age of Corporate Counsels Come?

ACC Chief Legal Officers Survey: Has the Age of Corporate Counsels Come?

7y Christopher Murphy-Ives , president
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