Digital Transformation » Systems & Software » EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS – Telegraph deputy calls for a recession, so he hcan do lunch

EXTRAORDINARY ITEMS - Telegraph deputy calls for a recession, so he hcan do lunch

[QQ]Our never ending search to bring you information that you may have missed takes us this month to Harpers & Queen, the style bible for people who simply must have a style bible – and a Prada handbag to keep it in.[QQ] An article in the March issue by Boris Johnson – whose day job is assistant editor on the Daily Telegraph – talks about all the good things that come out of recession. He says that taxis, tubes and restaurants are all so much easier to hail, board and dine at, as people cut down on “discretionary” spending. It even restores one’s faith in capitalism, he argues: “Nothing is so dangerous for a market economy as the sight of greed unpunished and unchecked.”[QQ] Gordon Brown’s slogan may be, “No going back to Tory boom and bust,” but, for Johnson, “only a government as sinister and deluded as this one would believe in the ‘myth of the straight line’. Boom and bust are as mutually essential as summer and winter …”[QQ] And the economists are about as accurate as the weather forecasters.

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