For companies seeking to improve the order-to-cash cycle in finance, cash application is a good place to start. By automating this process, companies can tap into a number of benefits. However, in practice levels of automation can vary considerably – so companies should understand the factors which can impede automation, as well as the best practices which can produce the greatest efficiencies.
This whitepaper covers how companies can benefit from implementing well-established best practices in their inbound payment processing and higher degrees of automation, and how efficient cash application optimizes your entire accounts receivable management.
• Cash Application within the Order to Cash Cycle
• Typical goals of companies regarding Cash Application optimization
• Challenges companies face in the area of Cash Application
• Best-Practices in Inbound Payment Processing
• The Benefits of Automation
This paper will give you a concise overview of the challenges and possibilities of process optimization on the one hand and automation on the other and how the two are tied together with regard to Cash Application and accounts receivable in general. A good read for finance experts and interested professionals.
Download our free whitepaper “Best Practices in Accounts Receivable Processing: Automating Cash Application” for more details.