With the 2017 introduction of Connected Planning, Anaplan was first to connect financial and operational planning for faster and more confident enterprise-wide decision making. Joining more than 1,700 Anaplan customers worldwide, Gartner named us in the report for our platform approach of meeting global enterprise needs for complex, cross-functional planning with strategic forward-looking insights, dynamic and accurate forecasting, and optimized financial outcomes.
According to Gartner, “Extended planning and analysis (xP&A) is the next generation extension of financial planning and analysis (FP&A) solutions and is a vendor response to the challenges faced by enterprises seeking to exploit new digital business models and navigate current and future economic uncertainties.”
Acess your complimentary Gartner report and learn how we believe an xP&A platform like Anaplan’s can align and connect financial and operational plans to provide business benefits such as accelerating revenue growth, expanding margins, optimizing assets and better managing risk – despite an incredibly dynamic business environment.