FD Surveys » Financial Director salary survey 2018

Financial Director salary survey 2018

Take the survey and find out how your salary compares to your finance director peers

Our salaries and other benefits packages are big considerations when thinking about our careers, and perhaps where we want to move next. That’s why Financial Director are asking you to take part in this short survey about current salaries among UK finance directors.

Just a few minutes of your time will help us build a detailed and accurate picture of how finance directors in the UK are being remunerated in 2018.

The questions are simple, and we won’t be collecting any sensitive information. Fill in the survey, and you’ll receive our expert analysis of the results in a report format.

So whether you’re interested in comparing your salary to others working at the same level, or wondering how much you might earn if you relocate to another region of the UK, you can discover all of this and more by answering a few questions. Click here to take the survey. 

The survey will be open until 19 March.

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