FDs and their mentors
Which key figure or book influenced your career in finance on the way up? Financial Director wants to know
Which key figure or book influenced your career in finance on the way up? Financial Director wants to know
Most of us crossed paths with someone at some stage in our careers – usually
the formative years – who, accidentally or not, influenced our way of thinking
and our professional aspirations for the better.
Financial Director magazine is looking for FDs, CFOs, treasurers and other
senior financial decision makers who recall an individual who had this effect on
their career to share their experience with us. It doesn’t have to be someone in
the business world; it could be any person of note from any area, so long as you
can tell us how your paths crossed and how they’ve affected your career (and
ideally, they’ll be well known enough for us to find a photo of them, as the
stories will be published in Financial Director magazine).
It doesn’t have to be a person. You may even have a famous book, speech, film
or TV programme in mind – so long as it was a key influence in your work, we
want to hear about it.
[email protected]
with a 350 word statement on who or what has influenced you, and the best will
be published in a future edition of Financial Director magazine, and at
www.financialdirector.co.uk .
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