Consulting » Extraordinary Items – DTI: Dated Technology Infrastructure.

Extraordinary Items - DTI: Dated Technology Infrastructure.

Our press release of the month warned that businesses should not "reinvent the wheel".

“Businesses may be spending millions of pounds buying new software instead of recycling what they’ve already got,” it went on to say. Indeed, “Too many firms buy the latest technology tools simply because they’re new.” It’s kind of refreshing to get a press release that isn’t trying to get FD readers to spend vast amounts of dosh on some whizz-bang “business solution”. Instead, academics working on what is called the ST Outreach programme are trying to work with businesses to encourage them to “use existing software and hardware and to ensure new purchases are future-proofed.” It adds: “Legacy IT is not necessarily a hindrance.” We could hardly agree more, and said as much in our IT Decisions supplement last October. We’re just amazed that such a sideways assault on the British IT sector should come from the Department of Trade and Industry.

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