Payments platform Modulr receives £14m funding boost

Payments platform Modulr receives £14m funding boost

6y Financial Director
Keeping business agility on track with tech

Keeping business agility on track with tech

6y Chris Labrey
The SME technology revolution

The SME technology revolution

6y Financial Director
Join a global community of senior CFO leaders, and access the latest analysis and reports
Are banks doomed to fail because of abstruse regulations?
Digital Transformation

Are banks doomed to fail because of abstruse regulations?

6y Sarah Whipp
Filling the as-a-service funding gap

Filling the as-a-service funding gap

6y Simon Everidge
The digital disconnect: Why are so many still in denial of MTD?
Corporate Tax

The digital disconnect: Why are so many still in denial of MTD?

6y Ed Molyneux
There’s no time to stagnate in an age of automation
Digital Transformation

There’s no time to stagnate in an age of automation

6y Chris Bradshaw
Making Tax Digital – An opportunity for digital tax transformation
Corporate Tax

Making Tax Digital – An opportunity for digital tax transformation

6y Thomson Reuters
Jedox on meeting the CFO’s digital transformation challenge
Digital Transformation

Jedox on meeting the CFO’s digital transformation challenge

6y Financial Director
The digital balancing act that all organisations need their CFOs to master
Digital Transformation

The digital balancing act that all organisations need their CFOs to master

6y Pratibha Advani
Can APIs help UK economy after Brexit?

Can APIs help UK economy after Brexit?

6y Dr Amjad Fayoumi
Fundraising post Brexit- boom or bust?
Corporate Finance

Fundraising post Brexit- boom or bust?

6y Scott Haughton
Do you have what it takes to be a successful self-disruptor?

Do you have what it takes to be a successful self-disruptor?

6y Claus Jepsen
Financial teams must embrace a digital-first approach to overcome this year’s challenges
Digital Transformation

Financial teams must embrace a digital-first approach to overcome this year...

6y Tim Wakeford
The impact of Big Tech on the wider business landscape

The impact of Big Tech on the wider business landscape

6y Lawrie Holmes
Defending multiple fronts - how banks can use disruption to their advantage in the digital age
Digital Transformation

Defending multiple fronts - how banks can use disruption to their advantage...

6y Euan Davis
What to do following a data breach
Big Data

What to do following a data breach

6y Financial Director
Huawei: A victim or a cause of the divide between the West and China?

Huawei: A victim or a cause of the divide between the West and China?

6y Lawrie Holmes
Uncertainty can generate opportunity - given the right planning and insight

Uncertainty can generate opportunity - given the right planning and insight

6y Ian Stone
Can Big Tech survive a backlash?

Can Big Tech survive a backlash?

6y Lawrie Holmes
Half of businesses are failing to exploit HR analytics
Digital Transformation

Half of businesses are failing to exploit HR analytics

6y Laura Timms
Could AI bring the end to paper receipts?
Digital Transformation

Could AI bring the end to paper receipts?

6y Deborah Saunby
Artificial intelligence suits up as LIBOR retires
Digital Transformation

Artificial intelligence suits up as LIBOR retires

6y Anu Sachdeva
Off the pace, on the menu

Off the pace, on the menu

6y Lawrie Holmes
Driving cost efficiencies through communications technologies  
Digital Transformation

Driving cost efficiencies through communications technologies  

6y Keith Manton
There’s comfort in the right cloud

There’s comfort in the right cloud

6y Andrew Norris
Retail banking can automate to drive efficiency

Retail banking can automate to drive efficiency

6y Bruno Ferreira