Procurement leaders must look beyond simply cost reduction

Procurement leaders must look beyond simply cost reduction

3y Jeremy Chan | Sponsored by Transparent
Corporate trade: Paying for services with goods
Strategy & Operations

Corporate trade: Paying for services with goods

5y Jeremy Chan | Sponsored by Active International
Are Tender Frameworks the way to go?

Are Tender Frameworks the way to go?

5y Nicky Wilkins
Join a global community of senior CFO leaders, and access the latest analysis and reports
To send e-invoices to the Public Administration or not to send… that is the question!

To send e-invoices to the Public Administration or not to send… that is the...

6y Comarch | Sponsored
Why finance system frustrations need to be addressed
Accounting Software

Why finance system frustrations need to be addressed

6y Marc Pettican
Four steps for beating procurement fraud

Four steps for beating procurement fraud

6y Laurent Colombant
Benchmarking? It’s not just about cost

Benchmarking? It’s not just about cost

6y Mike Boxall
Proxima’s Guy Strafford on supplier-led innovation

Proxima’s Guy Strafford on supplier-led innovation

6y Financial Director
Why agility starts with procurement

Why agility starts with procurement

6y Guy Strafford
Brexit and supply chain - businesses need to act now

Brexit and supply chain - businesses need to act now

8y Malcolm Joy
Three Brexit questions CFOs need to ask their CPO

Three Brexit questions CFOs need to ask their CPO

8y Shereen Ali , Deputy Editor
Cyber security - are you wasting your money or running a risk?
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Cyber security - are you wasting your money or running a risk?

9y Financial Director
Self-driving trucks: a realistic prospect for commercial fleets?
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Self-driving trucks: a realistic prospect for commercial fleets?

9y Graham Jarvis
Tech: Jobs for the bots
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Tech: Jobs for the bots

10y Peter Cochrane
Small businesses pushed to ‘breaking point” by supply chain bullying
Business Regulation

Small businesses pushed to ‘breaking point” by supply chain bullying

10y Richard Crump , Writer
CPO vs CFO: Bridging the gap
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CPO vs CFO: Bridging the gap

10y Olivier Chalon
Tesco scandal spawns flurry of supplier audits
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Tesco scandal spawns flurry of supplier audits

10y Chris Warmoll , Writer
An outsourced business financing partner
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An outsourced business financing partner

10y Jaimie Kaffash
Tesco's fall from grace compounded by accounting blunder

Tesco's fall from grace compounded by accounting blunder

10y Chris Warmoll , Writer
Dealing with IT suppliers: negotiating nous
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Dealing with IT suppliers: negotiating nous

11y Gavin Wakefield
Interserve FD sets out sustainability progress

Interserve FD sets out sustainability progress

11y Richard Crump , Writer
Hornby issues profit warning from unexpected foreign exchange hit
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Hornby issues profit warning from unexpected foreign exchange hit

11y Richard Crump , Writer
A fleeting resource

A fleeting resource

11y Catherine Chetwynd
Calculating the true costs of commercial property
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Calculating the true costs of commercial property

11y John Gotley
Interview: McDonald's CFO Paul Pomroy
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Interview: McDonald's CFO Paul Pomroy

11y Richard Crump , Writer
Stop firing your best assets
Business Recovery

Stop firing your best assets

11y Guy Strafford
Predictive selling to become part and parcel of commerce
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Predictive selling to become part and parcel of commerce

11y Peter Cochrane