
Health-check: Operational Efficiency

by Aon

Health-check: Operational Efficiency

Aon recently commissioned independent research into the challenges defined benefit schemes pose to finance directors.  The research highlighted that while pensions matters are high on the corporate agenda, those who have responsibility for them are struggling to find the time or resources to adequately deal with the risks and opportunities that exist.

This article addresses a potential solution to free up management time and improve operational efficiency by undertaking a scheme merger.  It is a must read for any company which sponsors multiple schemes, but also shares ideas for FDs responsible for a single DB scheme.  We use a real life case study to share some ‘top tips’ to DB pension scheme mergers, and outline how efficiencies in running costs and streamlining governance were achieved, and how significant potential savings were realised beyond the costs of the exercise.

Read this article to find out how you can get a full FREE DB pension scheme health check please click here.


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