After a week in which the world was focused on climate change as the Extinction Rebellion movement raised its voice on climate change, the political agenda has returned to the impasse that is Brexit.

But while Westminster appears deadlocked, the business world must face up to a changing environment in which stakeholders all want a greater say in how companies are run.

After all Brexit was to some extent a reaction to a perceived lack of accountability over the financial crisis and other corporate failures.

Those concerns are joined by a groundswell of expectation that business needs to work for everyone and be accountable for its actions, that companies need to justify their right to operate if they are to make a profit.

We focus today on a couple of those areas- how companies in the financial services sector need to develop greater trust with customers and how younger employees want more flexible working arrangements across the corporate sector.

These are two elements where companies that think and act smartly stand to win an edge over their peers- there will be many more where organisations in tune with society and the wider environment gain competitive advantage.

Finance leaders can play a key role in ensuring that their organisations are fit for purpose to succeed in ever more challenging times.

Being alert to what is happening across their organisation and measuring customer and employee satisfaction, gives finance the key insights for determining effective corporate decision-making.

CFOs and FDs providing effective leadership in this context will be the key drivers of future business success. Those that aren’t, will be left behind in companies that fail to affect change in time.