It’s that time of year when the good and great decamp to a mountain resort in Switzerland to find a remedy for the world’s ills.

This year there will be less concern expressed at the endless parties of the World Economic Forum for the future of the global economy, as indicators suggest the macro picture looks a little rosier than it has done in recent years.

But in the UK we’re having to take a more cautious approach than those popping corks in Davos as the effects of Brexit looks as though they will dampen any short term economic outlook here.

Even if wider global prosperity offers an unexpected fillip to UK plc in the months and years ahead it’s still important for our companies to tread a cautious path.

Finance directors could do worse than check the workings of their organisations to ensure every aspect is fit for purpose. One timely activity might be an overhaul of working capital arrangements to ensure they are as smooth and efficient as possible.

After all, plenty of businesses have collapsed even when they appear profitable, just because they ran out of money. After all, ‘cash is king’, the adage goes. Never was a truer word said!