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FD Today
FD Today
11 July 2017

Huge drop in value of inward M&As

By Idris Nagri
As newly published figures point to a slowdown in inward M&A activity, experts from RSM take a closer look at why the figures show a decreased appetite and what it means in an uncertain landscape
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Risk & Economy

Video: Gumtree CFO on tech investment

By Shereen Ali
Welcome back to our video series, where we ask top-hitting FDs and CFOs big questions on the year ahead. Today: Agnes Aszodi, CFO of Gumtree, discusses what tech to invest in over the coming 18 months

EY: Foreign direct investment still high despite uncertainty

By Shereen Ali
According to a new report by Ernst and Young, 67% of financial directors interviewed for the latest EY’s European attractiveness survey 2017, remain confident in the future of the EU. EY's managing partner for markets & accounts in Europe, Middle East, India and Africa, Hanne Jesca bax, discusses why
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